Saganom is a lifestyle brand startup that sells artisanal Swiss chocolate. Marketing For Wellness assisted Saganom in solidifying the Saganom brand persona, which is geared towards high-end, luxury living. A critical objective when creating the brand was to establish that it was more than just a chocolate company.
Marketing for Wellness executed this vision by creating a distinctive brand style that is reflected in the website, photography, and social media channels.
Marketing for Wellness created a style guide to provide direction for how Saganom should be presented from a graphic and visual perspective. Creating the style guide ensured brand consistency across all materials and digital outlets such as the website, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. It included a color palette, typography and textures.
Marketing for Wellness executed a photoshoot based upon the brand and photography style guides. The photography style guide outlined the textures, colors, and photography techniques that should be used. Close-ups and beauty shots were used to highlight the chocolate while neutral tones and textures were used to embrace the refined, modern aesthetic of the brand.
Additionally, a prop list guide was created which identifies the specific types of props that should be used for all seasonal photography as well as general prop items to use year-round. This guide can be used as a reference by the client when conducting all future photoshoots to ensure brand consistency.
Marketing for Wellness designed the Saganom website to not only convey the essence of the brand but to engage users to learn more about the history of Saganom. Abundant imagery and minimal text were used on the homepage to saturate the website with eye-catching intrigue and draw the viewer in. A blog section titled “Journeys” was created to accentuate the company’s objective to share stories and make memories.
The website section dedicated to selling the chocolate focused on the history of the chocolate, thus giving the website a more genuine and personal energy. A streamlined design and cosmopolitan color palette in line with the branding enticed viewers and encouraged website engagement.
In order to drive sales, Marketing for Wellness created an email marketing campaign targeted at wealth management companies during the holiday season. A clean, sophisticated template was designed and concise wording was implemented to produce maximum intrigue.
Sharing experiences and creating memories with family and friends is at the core of Saganom’s brand messaging. For this reason, Marketing for Wellness created four general categories in addition to Saganom branded imagery to be integrated into Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. The categories included quotes, lifestyle, travel, and home decor. Following a pattern of categories for Instagram and Facebook with chocolate being the content of every other post, Marketing for Wellness ensured overall consistency.
Using this strategy widened the social reach of Saganom’s account and helped it to grow rapidly while promoting high levels of engagement. Images from other social media influencers were reposted for the categorical imagery on Facebook and Instagram in order to create a sense of community amongst Saganom and its followers. Messaging was strategically tailored for each social channel and consistently featured clear calls to action that prompted viewers to engage with the brand and drive traffic to the website.